Sponsoring Other Activities

Besides helping build school infrastructures and sponsor students, Sunflower also sponsored other activities to promote education in the rural areas, such as sponsoring "Ten Outstanding Teachers Award" in Bijie and science education events in Beijing.

Sponsoring "Ten Outstanding Teachers Award" in Bijie

One of the major problems with China’s education in the economically under-developed areas is the lack of good teachers due to poor working and living conditions. When we visited the schools in Bijie, we were so much moved by the spirit of the teachers. We have heard many touching stories of the teachers who use their limited salary to help the poor children to continue with their study, who stay at their teaching job despite of the low income and their poor health, and who reject better living conditions in the city and volunteered to teach in the poor villages where they are needed by the students.

In October 2014, Sunflower worked with the local TV station of Bijie City to select and award the first "Ten Outstanding Teachers" from the local village schools, to recognize their personal sacrifice and contribution to the education in the rural areas. With the media coverage, we hope that these teachers would become the role model of other teachers in the region, and would attract more attention from the society to the education needs in China’s economically under-developed areas. This award is expected to be carried out on a yearly basis in the future.

Sponsoring Science Education Events for Middle and Primary Schools in Beijing

To help students in rural area learn more about science, Sunflower sponsored a science education event for two primary and middle schools in Yanqing County of Beijing.

During the event, the students were able to communicate with astronautics specialists face to face to understand common concepts and Chinese aerospace history. Hands-on activities were organized, and the students were taught to made rocket models and gas pressurized rockets, and demonstrated their works to other students and teachers. This event had effectively stimulated the students’ interests in aerospace and science.